Please read our Data Protection and Privacy statement below. Contact support if you have any queries.
This document sets our our committment to supporting Data Protection and Privacy to you as a user of Trackchat. It states what we do with the data we collect and process, the reasons why we collect certain data and measures you can follow to self-manage what notifications you receive as part of this service.
We want Trackchat to be as flexible and user friendly as possible. However we do acknowledge with that comes the responsibility of protecting data, users, the context in which Trackchat is used, clubs, organisations and individual account details.
Unless enforced by law, we will not disclose your account details to any 3rd party without the permission of you the account holder. At any point, you have the right to know what data the service holds to support your account.
Password data used for your account access, is encrypted at point of transfer to Trackchat and further encrypted at the point of storage. At no point do Trackchat administrators have direct access to unencrypted user passwords. For this reason we do not support password changes, instead we support password resets.
Trackchat supports a veriety of notifications to help keep you informed of updates, club and group chats, club administration and membership communication, daily news updates etc. Notifications of this nature are emailed to your registered email address.
Where it is relevant, notifications are available within the Trackchat service. Such notifications remain within Trackchat for the purpose of nitifying individual users.
You can opt-in and opt-out of email notifications at any point by visiting the Privacy settings of your Trackchat account. Account level emails pertaining to your usage and access are fixed, you cannot opt out of these.
How others see you on Trackchat is also within your control. You can select your individual profile to be public or private. You can also set your whole account and chats to be public or private. To make these changes, visit the Privacy settings of your account.
Where a club, through the use of Trackchat, is managing your membership, the club will support notifications to you as a subscription member. The frequency and context of such notifications will be managed by the club.
To support your Trackchat account, we collect certain items of data as follows:
Email address: used to contact you regarding your account and to send notifications to
First name & Surname/Family name: used to identify yourself within your profile. Note, a minor account (younger than 16) will NOT show the surname/family name
Date of birth: we use this for Trackchat advertising campaign selection criteria, club identification & registration plugins and to determine if the account holder is classed as a minor. No personal identifyable information of an account holder classed as a minor (under 16) is used for advertising.
Gender: we use this for Trackchat advertising campaign selection criteria
Location data: we collect browser location data and, where not available, network service provider estimations of location based on IP address. This location information is used to support locality of like-accounts when a user filters on their chat selections. It is also used for the Trackchat advertising campaigns to define target audience radius selection and finally is used for club registration logging.
Postal address: for individual account, the postal code / zip code is collect and used for approximate location data. For indiviual accounts, no exact postal address location data is collected.
Club association: where applicable, the association to a given club is held.
Club registration logging plugin: where applicable, the registration plugin will gather & keep a log of club member sign-in and sign-out entries. An entry will consist of the club ID, club member ID, name, time in, time out, location (lng/lat) and, where applicable, the associated club training session signed-in for.
Club members: club ID, club member ID, name and associations to any club training sessions and their respective lead coach.
Advertising campaigns: where applicable, advertising credits and campaign profiles are held. As these are chargable records, they are kept for invoicing and reconcilliation purposes.
For Club level accounts we collect exact postal address, contact number to assist us to verify the physical presence of such a club; a pre-requisite to aupport any legal & financial representation and in the support of transactional data.
Where clubs are supporting membership subscriptions, relevant data pertaining to the individual member or prospective member is collected for processing. Membership data may be collected for multiple clubs pertaining to an individual member however no data is shared across clubs, unless the data is already within the public domain.
Where clubs support emergency contact details, medical data, personal licensing data for individuals or organisations, only the minimal data necessary to undertake such processing is collected and stored safely for later processing. Presentation of such data is limited on a need to know basis. Clubs have a responsibility to manage the governance and protection of said data where it remains in their domain.
To support Club, Individual & Organisation transactions through the use of online purchases, we use the services of to handle payment handling. No payment data; banking, uniquely identifyable card data is stored within Trackchat. All such data is handled by the payment provider. The data does not 'pass through' Trackchat.
Summary transaction records are kept within Trackchat. This is to support transaction history to facilitate linking back to individual users or club membership subscriptions.
For a club to succesfully support online payments, Trackchat does create a club account with This is for the sole benefit of accepting online payments using a connected mechanism. All payments are handled through At no point does Trackchat act as a funds collector. Online payment funds are collected by with resulting funds being transferred by to the receicving club within Trackchat. will also transfer a small transaction handling fee to Trackchat.
So that we can maximise Trackchat features and usability, cookies are used for the recording of browser session references, sign-in session timings, club membership shopping cart and subscription handling. The cookies allow the user to remain signed in to Trackchat during the closure of specific browser sessions. It also allows Trackchat to time how long a user as been signed in, for the purposes of indicating when a Trackchat session may have expired.
A Use of Cookies notification is presented on screen on a user's first use of the Trackchat service. Acceptance of the notification is requested.
Whilst it is our desire that you should enjoy the delights of Trackchat, we appreciate that some users may choose to leave the service and have their data removed - the right to be forgotten. If you wish to exercise this right, we suggest you first modify your privacy settings to make your account private, then follow-up with our support team. For clubs, it is the responsibility of the club administrator to remove a member from a club (for the purpose of not being part of the club anymore or moving to another club for example).
Collected data pertaining to active accounts (individual, club, club memberships, organisations) will remain within the Trackchat domain for the duration of the account. Where an account is closed, the data pertaining to the account will be removed. Minimal club membership data may be retained for the purpose of data analysis, club performance and club achievement records.
Trackchat reserves the right to remove historical posts after a period of time for the purpose of service optimisation. is the Trackchat service provider for for online payments, interfacing through secure APIs.
Google is the Trackchat service provider for location data & postal location verification services, interfacing through secure APIs and publically available open APIs.
Amazon is the Trackchat service provider for service email communication through the use of secure Amazon Web Services APIs.
Publically available IP Location data is used for the estimated location data for user browsers, providing country-centric data.
All Trackchat web hosting is provided through
Trackchat is a product owned & managed by Bertiesoft Limited. You can contact us by email; and
Version 1.1, January 2023